Level 5 Diploma in Applied Therapeutic Practice
This course is for anyone working with children and young people and families who would like to further increase their knowledge and develop their skills around working therapeutically.
This level 5 Diploma in Applied Therapeutic Practice is a professional qualification developed specifically for those working with vulnerable children, young people and families. Over the duration of the course you will consider the latest theory underpinning therapeutic interventions and develop the skills to translate this into practice.
This course is delivered via 10 days of online teaching over 6 months. Therefore, there is plenty of opportunity to complete the required assignments and practise the skills that you learn, reflecting on how you can effectively improve the lives of those you work with.
Modules covered during the training include:
Module 1 – The Experience of Being a Child
- Recognise different attachment theories
- Apply attachment theories to self and others
- Know about the stages of child development
- understand what is meant by neurodiversity
Module 2 –Working with Trauma and Sensory Experiencing
- Understand psychological trauma and neuro-sequential healing
- Understand sensory processing
- Be able to support people affected by trauma
Module 3 – Creativity & Unconscious Communication
- Review theories relating to the unconscious and unconscious communication
- Explore how transference, countertransference, projective identification and defence mechanisms may arise in work with families and children
- Explore the use of the arts and imagination in facilitating the expression, containment and understanding of unconscious communication.
Module 4 – Reflective Practice
- Identify and evaluate your own style of learning
- Discuss a definition and model of reflective practice which supports their own therapeutic and caring activity
- Demonstrate the application of a model of reflective practice in their own therapeutic and caring activity